Setelah sekian lama, barulah teman berjaya upload gambar2 teman bersama ofismate di waktu monthly event and bowling game @alamanda. Check it out!!
Begitulah gelagat kawan2 teman. Memang best ah. Dorg semua best2 dan sengal2. hahahaha...Esok nya, kitorg ramai2 g mandi manda....Tp cant upload lah.. Ada yg sensor. hahahhaha
p/s: Teman, Kiah and Shu tak main pon...saje je pose... hahhahaaha
Note: It was a fun Friday! (~~,)V
And also we ensure that when we enter in this specific blog site we see to it that the topic was cool to discuss and not a boring one.
Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.
oitt ana, blog ko pn ade spammer ke? hahaha..
nway mmg sonok tol last weekkkkk! nxt agenda... genting???! wohooo!
huhuhu..mmg sronok enjoy..selagi ko blum bergelar isteri org ahakss..
genTing?!! uuu mmg nk kene simpan duit gak nih..nk g kenduri ko kat gerik tu..huhuhu
xpe.. kenduri die nnti die support bas utk bdk2 opis.. kan ana kan? kan?
aniey --> uhuk..uhuk..uhuk.. support??? tut...tutt...tutt... wrong number.... hehehehe...
hunnybie --> woit, g genting, ajak aku naaaaa... hahahaha
aku xmaen pon aku support pe... t kalu aku maen mmg sari kompem teror bergande2 dr aku... xmooooo~
huh... ada makhluk yg aku rasa aku kenai dalam gambaq2 diatas....
sitizakiah --> hahaha sari mmg teror. die yg paling hebat. hihihi
tokapi --> ko ni dari dulu mmg suke je nk kenal2 ngn kawan aku.. aku tau.. ko kenai lin eh.. budak uniten?? kan kan kan??
gambar aku xde ke?huhu
elehhh... sape lah aku nk letak gmbo ko yg kacak tu aghoo.. huhuhu
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