

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Interview oh Interview

I went for an interview yesterday for database programmer position.The interview was at 10am, near to kerinchi lrt. and i managed to get there 5min b4 10am bcoz I get lost. huhuhu luckily i was ontime. The interview seesion started exacly on 10am where as i hv no time to 'retouch up' my make up. hehehe And there were 2 interviewers, 1malay woman (Prof Dr. **** -- around 40's) and 1 chinese guy (Lim ***** -- around late 20's).

At first there was nothing serious conversation...All the ques are about my skill...my ability...my future dream...bla..bla..bla.. ans i juz answer them seadanya. But, about 1/2 hour later, I was forced out of my confort zone. She asked me all about things that 'logically' I cannot answer. of corse not, coz im not an experience job seeker. Hello, im fresh graduated! Dun compare me with 3years experience worker. Huhuhu..

About 1hour I kept pretending OK..and keep pretending to smile when they started to compare uia with other university..And they condemed me about my fyp report which I followed exacty the format from Bro. Rizal.. Still remember what she said: "Mcm ni ke budak IT buat report? Main belasah je..."

Dalam masa 1 1/2 hour tu, aku rase mmg nk lari terus je..It was like an army interview! although i never join army..=) hehehe but the thing is, it gives me a really gud experience..(from positive side la..think positive...think positive...)..

After dis, I must be ready for any ques..For any 'condeming' ques....From there I can learn how to handle the situation, if it happens again..Neway, wish me lak for my next interview...Yg tersurat..Im trying to find the best post for me..Yg tersiratnye...im trying to find the best salary.hehehe..Tp keje kt Satyam pon ok la...But b4 23July, I'll try to find one that can exacly suit me...Fuhh...Penat kene 'belasah'...aku terus g tgk wayang Fantastic4..hehehe

p/s: I hate when ppl compare me wit anything!!! It was like a nightmare for me! Juz ignore me when u dont like me. Juz tell me if u dun like me.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

..My final week in UIA....

Sob..sob...sob...sedih nya aku.. detik2 terakhir dekat uia ni kadang2 'menghappy' kan aku.. kadang2 menyedihkan aku... kadang2 mendebarkan aku...kadang2 membuatkan aku terfikir...'Dah bersediakah aku?' =) 'Mampukah aku?'

Dlm tempoh 5tahun kat UIA ni (including matrix uia), so many things i've learnt..So many things i've had...So many things i've lost...There r many things dat made me sad.. but just because my eyes dont have tears doesnt mean my heart doesnt cry. and just because i come out strong doesnt mean there's nothing wrong. often, i choose to pretend im happy so that i dun have to explain myself to people who'll never understand.. But, when i think again, dats nothing regrets me...nothing dissapointed me.... But,sometimes we need to be steady and give up the things we want the most. And now...im happy on what i choose and what i have now is what i dream b4..At least...

I had kek for lunch juz now. A kek from reha-- dat actually from fad. =) sedap...dat cake was for reha's graduation. Huhuhu semua nak grad dah.. For those yg still have 1 more semester in uia, i wish u all da best! Let me recall sape ek.. emah..afni..huda ismail..huda rahmani.. mira..hasnah.. maiza..rafi..amy.. All the best guys!!

And for all yg dh grad, noni, ifah, filzah, yani, reha, wan, yus, wa, ja, diyanah....congrats guys! U guys deserve a good life out there..Juz be happy in what u do...Hmm..sebut pasal diyanah ni, i think it's not too late to wish her a very happy wedding life.. dah kawen dah die.. And after dis, dah ramai waiting list yg nak kawen...Kan?? =) Xpayah la nak mention, nnti ade yg malu2 kucing lak. All i hope is...dat particular person (sape2 yg nk kawen), dun ever forget to invite me.. InsyaAllah sampai lah hamba Allah ni...Neway, aku post kan several pics diyanah utk tatapan korg...

p/s: doakan aku cepat kawen..hehehhee

Friday, June 08, 2007

Mari kita berhenti sejenak, merenungi kembali bekas langkah2 kita dlm kehidupan ini. Melihat dgn cermat apa saja yg telah kita lakukan selama ini. Perhatikan, adakah langkah2 kita dimulakan dari tempat yg baik? Adakah dlm perjalanannya langkah kita terhenti di tempat2 yg semestinya? Dan yg paling penting, adakah langkah2 kita menuju kepadaNya?

(Cerita ini hanyalah rekaan semata-mata.....)

And..this is where it begins...

"B.A.N.G" serentak murid2 kelas 2Kuning mengeja.Panas tengahari tidak menghalang mereka meneruskan pembelajaran. Kelembutan Cikgu Aisyah terserlah dgn kurung biru muda. Kelembutan itulah yg mengikat kasih syg nya dgn murid2. "Apa bunyinya?" Soal Cikgu Aisyah lembut. 'Nak test skit budak2 ni.Ade ke yg teror.'Diam.Kelas jd sunyi.Sepi.

Di hujung kelas, Fara berusaha mengingati apa yg di belajarnya mlm td.Mulutnya terkumat kamit."Bang!" itu yg akhirnya terkeluar dari mulut nya.Penuh yakin. Serentak semua menoleh ke arah nya. 'Ulp, salah ke?' Mukanya mula kemerahan. Malu di renung semua. Skirt biru tua yg dipakai nya di sapu sapu bagai ada kotoran yg melekat.

"Fara, jgn malu. Apa yg kamu jawab tadi? Boleh ulang?" Soal Cikgu Aisyah lembut. Fara masih malu2 tp di teruskan juga."B.A.N.G bang." Kelas masih diam. Semuanya diam.

"Hahahaha!!" Amir yg dari tadi cuba menahan tawa, menekan2 perut ketawakan Fara. Fara menjeling. Benci betul dia dgn Amir. Budak gemuk, hitam dan nakal tu sering ketawakan Fara. Tawa Amir bagai tiada penghujung. Perut nya yg besar bergoyang2 mengikut rentak tubuh nya yg masih seronok ketawakan Fara. Fara pelik. 'Apa yg lawak sgt?'

Cikgu Aisyah faham sungguh perangai nakal Amir."Amir, kenapa kamu ketawa.?Tak baik ketawakan orang" . Amir terdiam. Namun sisa tawanya masih ada. "Lawakla Fara cikgu. Ada ke bunyinya 'bang!' Tu kan panggilan mak sy kat abah saya. Bang....." Azlan mengajuk ayat ibunya dengan lenggok tangan ala mak nyah.

"Hahaha!!" Kelas 2Kuning tertawa besar mendengar jawapan Amir. Ada betulnya. Fara mendengus. Tak puas hati dengan sindiran Amir."Ah! Kalau kau pandai sgt, apa jawapan nya?" Fara melenting. Pantang sungguh bila di permainkan begitu. Amir terus bangun menyahut cabaran. Penuh yakin. "B.A.N.G bunyinya banji. Betul kan cikgu? Ayam saya nama Banji. Hari ni baru saya tau ejaan dia." Amir senyum memandang Fara. Bangga.

"Hahaha" Cikgu Aisyah terlepas ketawa tapi cepat2 cover. "Ehemm...jawapan kamu kurang tepat. Tapi tak apa. Itu yg kita akan belajar hari ni. Salin apa cikgu tulis." Murid-murid 2Kuning patuh. Fara tersenyum memandang Amir yg masam mencuka. Laju tangan nya menyalin nota cikgu. Apa yg di ajar hari ini, dia sudah pun belajar semalam. Hari ni cuma salin je lah. 'Nasib baik semalam belajar dengan mak, kalau tak, jad bodoh macam kau la, Amir!'


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Some sayings for today...

-Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.
-Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.
-Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
-A smile confuses an approaching frown.
-Character is much easier kept than recovere.
-Don't try to be different. Just be good. To be good is different enough.
-The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right.
-Friends are like melons; shall I tell you why? To find one good you must one hundred try.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Malas. Satu-satunya penyakit yg xde ubat nya. Kalo ade pon, penyakit tu xkan totally hilang. Esok lusa die dtg lg. =( dan sekarang, penyakit tu tgh merebak dlm salur2 urat dan otak aku. Pls somebody...pls tell me what to do. Xtau nk buat ape padahal keje belambak. Org len aku tgk sume tunduk je buat keje. Busy tol. Ke buat2 bz? heheheCurrently, im taking MCAD (Microsoft Certificate Application Developer) -- microsoft profesional certificate. Ade 3 exams kalo nk dpt sijil tu. so far, aku dh pass 2 exams. Lagi 1 menanti dgn penuh setia 18/6 ni. Huhuhu.. Hopefully kau pass. Bkn senang nk dpt cert ni. Kalo amik kt luar, mau RM10K cost die. Tp buat kt uia ni, free la. Government py project....1st exam aku scored 816/1000 and 2nd exam dpt 826/1000 and hopefully final exam nnti dpt 700++ pun dh OK. Asalkan lulus...